Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I'm Sorry

Dear Friends and Family,

I'm sorry I don't fit the role you thought I would in your life. I'm not perfect, nor will I claim to be.

I'm sorry you feel uncomfortable going out in public places with me because you're embarrased of what others might think. I'm sorry that when strangers mention my weight in public you're defensive and put on a mad front when they've only said out loud what you've said in your head a thousand times.

I'm sorry I'm not the perfect daughter, sister, or friend.

I'm sorry I'm not like my sisters. They're pretty, beautiful and thin(ner).

I'm sorry I got the crappy genes including those you've passed to me.

I'm sorry that we can disagree with out you resorting to name calling. Have I mentioned I love being called a "FAT BITCH"?

I'm sorry I'm not pretty or smart or have a job that pays me what I deserve.

I'm sorry I'm not as disciplined or driven to drop the pounds as you think I should be.

I think most of all, I'm sorry that I'm sorry because I shouldn't be sorry at all.

I am me. I'll always be me. Whether you choose to accept me for who I am or not, I will not lose weight just to make me fit better into your life. When I choose to lose weight, it will be because I truly want to not because I think YOU want me to.

1 comment:

char said...

NEVER EVER EVER Aplogize for being you! Know that you are a great sister, mother, daughter and friend. We are all made diffent and never feel the need to say sorry for who you are! If you were blue with poka dots and was a waifering 80 lbs i would still be your friend!