Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Confession

I'm overweight. I over eat. I'm terrible with portion sizes and it wasn't until recently I've stopped supersizing every extra value meal I purchased. I'm overweight because I eat the wrong foods thus the extra value meals. I'm overweight because when I'm sad, I eat. When I'm happy I eat, when I entertain I eat, when I'm bored I eat. I'm fat because most days I just don't care and other days I care too much. When I care to much, I get depressed and then I eat.

I'm overweight because I'm scared to be myself so I hide behind the one thing that makes me the most miserable.

I'm scared I'll always be alone, but I'm also scared to be in a relationship if it's going to be like the one my mother had with my father. I'm scared that if I lose weight I won't be the same person my friends like and we won't be friends anymore and I really love my friends a lot. They've really helped me through some really rough situations.

Is there any kind of guarantee that when it's all done all still be me only better? I hope so. I'm on a mission to find out. I'll keep you posted.


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